Welcome to Amigo Technology Learning Centre

The Learning Centre offers constantly updated tutorials to help clients solve their technology problems. Use our search feature, categories, and tags to find the guides you need, and improve your skills whether you're a beginner or an advanced user. Our platform provides accessible learning materials to all clients, and we hope you find our Learning Centre to be a valuable resource.

You’ll learn about the different types of groups as well as how they work. You’ll also discover some tips & …

This tutorial aims to explain best practices on how to scan documents using NAPS2 and export them to a searchable …

Google Maps can do more than get you from Point A to Point B. Here are 10 of our favourite …

How to use Google Calendar including how to create events, invite guests, manage multiple calendars and share calendars using the …

A Google Keep tutorial showing all of the features of Google keep including a demo of the app on iOS …

A tutorial on how to use Google Forms for creating surveys, quizzes and questionnaires. https://youtu.be/yWy_8Yv_HPg Amigo Technology Learning Centre We’ll …

10 Steps on how to install any screen protector perfectly https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ixSuBoPaoY Amigo Technology Learning Centre We’ll make your tech your …

How to use Gmail including how to compose emails, manage received emails, understand labels and how access contacts using the …

The new Google Contacts Preview has some cool new features for creating contacts and information, managing groups and sending group …

Amigo Technology Learning Centre

We'll make your tech your new best friend.

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